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The Raveonettes – Sheffield Queens Social Club – 29 November 2012.

aIMG_2627I’m famous for not being able to do things the normal way….it’s just how I am……my Introduction to The Raveonettes back in 2003 was no different.  In uncharacteristically romantic mood, my other half handed over my valentines present and in it was 2 CDs.  One was ‘Boomslang’ by Johnny Marr and the Healers (a long standing hero of mine so was quite an apt present) The other was  The Raveonettes ‘Chain Gang of Love’ . When I asked why he’d bought me a CD by a band i’d never heard of he just said….”because I listened to it and I knew you’d love it….it’s everything you love about music” . He was utterly right as the Danish duo, sounding like an intoxicating mix of the Jesus and Mary Chain, Velvet Underground and St Ettiene were never out of my CD player for months afterwards.
Tonight I find myself , 9 years later and 6 albums on (all loyally purchased by myself ever since that first CD) still feeling that same surge of excitement that I felt when I first heard their first album.
Opening track for tonight is  ‘Hallucinations’ with its pulsating baseline and hypnotic vocals – the harmonies between Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo are as pure and haunting as ever.  It is three minute of sheer perfection.  Then its straight into track from the new album ‘Observator’ recent single ‘She Owns the Streets’ and the near capacity crowd at the Queens Social Club in Sheffield are bopping gently to the beat.
Sharin is, as per usual, getting a lot of male attention and rightly so as she is as beautiful as she is talented.  She has perfected the art of looking effortlessly cool and serene whilst thrashing away at a bass or alternately a guitar .  I’m guessing that the females in the crowd are not envious, as come to think of it she aIMG_2616is getting as much female attention as she is male attention…. both sexes are just overwhelmed with awe.
Sune, the male half of the duo  is quietly unassuming in his casual wear of black cap, t shirt and jeans.  His appearance may look casual but the sweet harmonies and beguiling guitars riffs that he is producing are pure class.
The setlist they have decided upon tonight is a fantastic mix of songs from all 6 albums with 2007 ‘Lust Lust Lustalbum being represented with both ‘Dead Sounds’ and ‘Blush’ making an appearance and obvious emphasis placed on tracks from current album ‘Observator’ .  The haunting sounds of ‘Curse The Night’ showcasing their new tracks to perfection and ‘Observations’ delivering vocal harmonies that would make a Beach Boy weep with envy….simply breathtaking.
There’s not much banter between band and crowd, but its as if this is mutually agreed as everyone seems content just to let the music do the talking, this crowd seem thoughtful and respectful but that’s not to say they are not completely transfixed and can’t seem to get enough of these tracks and the retroesque vibe that they are producing.
One of the highlights of the night for me was ‘Young and Cold’ where an acoustic guitar is brought in and Sharin and Sune swap instruments,  showing their versatility, the vibrancy of the song resonating throughout the venue as they croon ” I like the sun when it don’t shine”  and then cry out  “I don’t wanna be young and cold” with an air of urgency.
Early single ‘Love in a Trashcan’  means that long standing Raveonettes fans such as myself are given a brief trip down memory lane and the fifties guitar riff has feet tapping and heads nodding, and ‘That Great Love Sound‘ continues this feel good vibe.
Ending on ‘Aly walk with me’ the crowd have been given what they came here to see, in bucketloads and anyone who has been bought here by a friend, and wasn’t already a Raveonettes fan when the night started  has surely been won over.
This performance has made me remember the magic from first time I heard them and I have fallen in love with them all over again.   I need The Raveonettes in my life.  When’s the next tour?

Jackie Nutty

Editor of LLR since 2005

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