THOUSAND AUTUMNS – Chasing Boats E.P. Music Reviews by Rob W - June 4, 2012June 4, 20120 ‘Chasing Boats’ is the brand new 4 track E.P. from up-and-coming alternative metallers THOUSAND AUTUMNS. Last years ‘City of the Sun’ riff filled monster of an E.P. took the band out on the road with the likes of Exit Ten, Never Means Maybe and Mallory Knox. ‘Chasing Boats’ keeps the ball rolling nicely for Thousand Autumns with a plethora of ever-changing sounds and speeds to keep you more than interested and hungry for more. Lead single ‘White Compass’ has a typical bouncy start-stop riff to open up proceedings. This descends into a reflective verse before the inevitable return of the riffs and screams. The trick of playing the moody atmospheric sections and the barn-storming riff filled screamers against each other is pulled of to perfection. View the video to the single below… ‘Mud’ has a great classic rock intro before the clean and screamo vocals again do battle. While ‘For You’ has an epic sounding lead guitar and shout-along sections which will cement the songs place in the live show for a long time to come. The title track is no filler either. Again with an energetic riff which is hard to keep still to, and complemented with some melancholy to make the uplifting bits pop out all the more brightly. Again there’s plenty going on here, the band rarely stand still for long. Thousand Autumns have well and truly found their sound on ‘Chasing Boats’ and have added four new tracks to the catalogue all worthy of their inclusion on the CD. They mix the grin-making energetic riffs with the more reflective sections to great effect and the mixture of clean and harsh vocals make sure that ther’s never any chance of getting bored of the tracks on offer here. Thousand Autumns are among a great undeground bunch of hard-working British road dogs such as Exit Ten, Dear Superstar and Collisions who will keep on making their noise until you listen. So pay attention! 8/10 ‘Chasing Boats’ is out on June 25th [jwplayer mediaid=”3139″]