EUROBLAST TOUR Feat Jeff Loomis Music News by Rob W - September 19, 20120 Jeff Loomis, Monuments, Vildhjarta and Stealing Axion come together this October for the first ever Euroblast tour, presented by the organizers of Europe’s biggest progressive metal festival. Since its inception in 2008, Euroblast Festival in Cologne, Germany, has grown exponentially to become the most important event in the progressive and technical metal calendar, and the EB team have called upon the very best the scene to showcase progressive metal across the rest of Europe. The festival has always boasted an international lineup and this tour is no different, bringing together bands from the USA, UK and Sweden, for what is set to be the mind melting tour of the autumn. Northwest America’s Stealing Axion open the show with their melodic and expansive sound, followed by the djenty poundings of Sweden’s Vildhjarta and UK’s technical power goove masters Monuments rotating direct support. The night will be closed by one of the most technically accomplished players in modern metal, Jeff Loomis, whose ability to push so many different boundaries of what’s humanly possible on six strings, makes him the perfect headliner. The Euroblast tour hits the UK on the following dates: Oct 21 – Audio – Brighton, UK Oct 22 – Sub 89 – Reading, UK Oct 23 – O2 Academy – Liverpool, UK Oct 24 – Cathouse – Glasgow, UK Oct 25 – The Village – Dublin, Ireland Oct 26 – The Well – Leeds, UK Oct 27 – O2 Academy – Birmingham, UK Oct 28 – Underworld – London, UK Plains of Oblivion (Jeff Loomis), Gnosis (Monuments), Måsstaden (Vildhjarta) and Moments (Stealing Axion) are all out now via Century Media and Inside Out Music.