SPINNING GOBLIN PRODUCTIONS: Up and running on Facebook Music News by Rob W - August 31, 20120 The Napalm Records sublabel SPINNING GOBLN PRODUCTIONS <http://www.facebook.com/spinninggoblin> is now up and running on FB! Check it out, like it and be the first one to receive updates, watch videos or simply chill out with the Spinning Goblin Jukebox! Watch exclusive video and song releases and be the first one to receive access to our mailorder to pre-order limited edition vinyls! SPINNING GOBLIN PRODUCTION was founded 2011 to provide a creative musical platform outside the traditional Heavy Metal/Rock genre. SPINNING GOBLIN is the home for Stoner/Psychedelic/Instrumental/Space/ Progressive Rock & really anything cool and innovative we are lucky enough to come across! The Label is currently home to MY SLEEPING KARMA, GLOWSUN, MONKEY3, LONELY KAMEL, SVÖLK and many more to come. http://www.facebook.com/spinninggoblin