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Let’s Go Safari return with new single BYOB!

“Prepare to get your party on, but don’t forget to bring your own beer” Alphabet Bands

“Resistance is futile” My Fizzy Pop

Following the release of their debut single Oh, Jane Doe earlier this year, Let’s Go Safari are thrilled to announce their next aural adventure in the form of BYOB, set for release on 15th August through Red Dragon Records.

Let’s Go Safari are the band who bring you chocolates, flowers and take pleasure in remembering your pet’s name. Threading electro-infused indie pop with everyday experiences from life in Poole on the south coast of the UK, the original duo are Clive Coats and Ryan Wood. Formed in August 2010, the band have recently expanded to bring in Oli Crisp on bass and James Mosley on drums, for a fuller sound. The band have a unique edge, merging guitar-driven indie-pop with crisp harmonies and quirky synthesizers; Let’s Go Safari write simple, catchy songs in a frighteningly complex way.

Also, Let’s Go Safari have the following live dates scheduled:
12th July – The White Hart, Wimborne
15th July – The Lord Nelson, Poole
9th August – Kings Head, Acton, London
24th August – On the Rocks, Bournemouth
27th August – The Vibe Bar, London
5th September – The Horatia, London
8th September – Grendon Festival, Oxfordshire
20th September – RMA Tavern, Southsea, Portsmouth

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