Funhouse Comedy – West Bridgford July 30th Comedy News by Editor - July 12, 20160 Funhouse Comedy Club returns to David Lloyd, West Bridgford, on Saturday July 30th for more fun and laughter. Headlining the night is comedian, writer, radio broadcaster and TV presenter Nick Page, runner-up in The English Comedian of The Year 2016. Often recognised as a previous presenter of BBC property programme ‘Escape to the Country’, he accidentally fell into comedy as a bet, but soon turned professional after his first open mic appearance. With his mixture of cynical observation and storytelling he complains about the frustrations of dealing with the overstretched British justice system, resulting in a truly hilarious act. Supporting is Rhodri Rhys, before becoming a comedian he qualified as a Chartered Surveyor and became a property entrepreneur in Eastern Europe. His act combines sharp wit and observation with a natural geniality, his material is broad and colourful, drawing on his own experiences in his unusual path to a comedy career, while deftly seaming in religion, business, sport and history too. Also appearing will be the outrageous comedian and magician Wayne the Weird. Bamboozling and fascinating the audience with trickery, his balance of comedy, magic and banter is the recipe for his success. The energetic and amiable Spiky Mike will be compere for the night. £10 in advance 7.00pm doors 8.30pm show Food available until 8.00pm Info and tickets David Lloyd Rugby Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 7HX 0115 9825555