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The Black Dahlia Murder : Everblack

TheBlackDahliaMurder-EverblackThe Black Dahlia Murder are one of the most exciting melodic death metal acts around at the moment: as one of the more ‘successful’ and mainstream extreme bands they have a lot to live up to, which is incidentally what they do in spectacular style. They provide an instantaneous release of aggression and power that repeatedly pummels the skull to a sticky pulp, and Everblack is no different. This album, which covers the subject of the murder that the band is named after, evokes themes of “Subterranean flesh-farming vampires, vine rape, Jeffery Dahmer, amputation” announces vocalist Trevor Strnad, going on to say, “ I tried my best to honour the band’s legacy and write lyrics that will keep the legions of horror fiends perspiring with fear.” I know I certainly am.

‘Into The Everblack’ is a progressive melodic masterpiece which encompasses everything that BDM shine at. It opens with one of the quickest riffs on the album, a blistering beat that soon breaks away to the devilishly brutal vocals of Strnad, showcasing a voice that reigns over all. The entire track is a frantic example of how death metal is best played.

Embracing the more melodic elements of what The Black Dahlia Murder are about, ‘Blood Mine’ opens with harmonious guitar lines that peel off to a dissonant discordant mass becoming ever heavier as the track ploughs on. This is one my favourite tracks on the album with a massively progressive feel.

Layers of genius guitar playing from Brian Eschbach and Ryan Knight, coupled with the speed and grace of drummer Alan Cassidy, this album excels in pace and technique. With mammoth blasts followed by elephantine riffs this entire album is awesome from start to finish, consistently demolishing everything with sonic destruction.

Out Now on Metal Blade!

Track Listing

01. In Hell Is Where She Waits for Me 02. Goat of Departure 03. Into the Everblack 04. Raped in Hatred by Vines of Thorn 05. Phantom Limb Masturbation 06. Control 07. Blood Mine 08. Every Rope a Noose 09. Their Beloved Absentee 10. Map of Scars

Jim R

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