Obsessive Compulsive-Seculo Seculorum Music Reviews by Editor - May 21, 20130 With an extensive UK tour to co-inside with the release, Obsessive Compulsive come out fighting with their best piece of work yet. The years have been kind to the group, with a solid line up, video and single releases to go with the album and a final fixture on their sound Kelii and the crew come ripping through your speakers with a sign of rebellion that will not go away. Starting with ‘Sick sick sick’, the album begins with a progressive start that is followed up by ‘Regurgitate’, a fantastic choice for the single where Kelii goes from a goes from an angel to a howling wolf with an eerie jolt. ‘Stamp your own path’ also has the same gusto, with a complex rhythm section and head banging guitar riff. They can however go soft. Songs like ‘Jadim Gramacho’ and ‘Float’ shows the bands’ ability to lead up to power and anger like a shot of whiskey swimming through your mind. By far the most aggressive songs are ‘Soulsucker’ and ‘No logo’, that hit upon some personal issues. Unfortunately the later suffers from dated lyrics, but the tune is so catchy you don’t seem to mind, even from the screaming start. In all, this is definitely one for the metal detector. For the fan of anarchy and organized destruction, and the rocker with a bee in his bonnet. Obsessive Compulsive have stayed the course and done what they always do: Turned up, kicked ass, screamed in your face and gave you the finger on the way out. “I WON‘T SELL MY SOUL!” Writer: Dokka Chapman