Comedy night at the Maze, Nottingham. Comedy News by Editor - September 13, 20120 Funhouse Comedy is back at the Maze in Nottingham on Tuesday September 25th with the popular “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” competition. Presided over by MC Spiky Mike fifteen new comics do 5 minutes of material each and judges, picked from the audience, vote at specific intervals on who to keep on and who to send off. At the end of the night all the finalists get another minute to show their talent and then everybody helps to decide who the winner will be. A great night for both the comics and the audience; with non-stop laughter and a great sense of camaraderie between the acts. Come along and be part of the fun, you may just help to make someone’s dreams come true. Tickets are £5 in advance 8.00pm doors 8.30pm start All info and bookings at The Maze 240 North Sherwood Street Nottingham NG1 4EN 0115 947 5650