Edwin Miles – Get Off Your Rock Music Reviews by Editor - August 20, 20120 Edwin Miles is an upcoming star. He’s been absorbed by music all his life and has just wanted to get his music out there. He grew up in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and was playing at hotels and cover gigs, but he moved back to the UK in 2009 to expand his music career. For a while he concentrated on just his writing and switched his style to solo-live striped back acoustic sound. In early 2012 he recorded his first EP Get Off Your Rock it includes the tracks Get Off Your Rock, I’ve Gotta Say, Can’t Imagine You, and Troublesome Eyes. He’s made some breath-taking music and we expect lots more. It was released in February and has had a great response, people cannot stay away from his husky dulcet tones. The EP is filled with passion and energy, his voice flows well with his guitar playing creating a relaxing and perfect listen for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Get Off Your Rock flows really well with the sound of the EP, if you like that one you will definitely like the rest of the EP. He wants to keep adding to his sound, by adding the sax, piano and some female vocals, he has added strings to his songs such as Can’t Imagine You, it sent shivers down my spine. They are subtle to start off with but then they become more noticeable. Miles has a lot of upcoming gigs to broaden his fan-base they go all through the next few months, playing all over the country and is currently writing new music to play at his shows. Edwin Miles has had success and he has a lot of people liking his music, Music From Rainy Skies Magazine said, “From start to end this EP is refreshing, there’s nothing like this out there at the moment, I love music that has soul and this EP is full of it. This EP is class and you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t check him out!” You’ll like him if you like the more mellow striped back Foo Fighters, and Kings Of Leon, with this acoustic Rock, Pop, Folk singer/songwriter. L Hutchon