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DERELICT Confirm 5-Piece Lineup

Freshly returned from their Eastern Emergence Tour of the Canadian Maritimes, Montreal tech death shredders Derelict are pleased to confirm the addition of guitarist Simon Cléroux (The Unconscious Mind) and bassist Xavier Sperdouklis (ex-Vengeful) to their permanent lineup.
“Simon and Xav have been with us since we released Perpetuation in April,” comments Derelict vocalist Eric Burnet. “They have proven themselves to be hard-working musicians, as well as a lot of fun on the road! They both put a huge amount of work into learning our songs, and they’re already both contributing to writing new material. We’re looking forward to the next album being even more collaborative than Perpetuation.”
In addition, Derelict have added to their growing bank of instrument footage with two new guitar solo videos, produced by Chimera Sky Studios.
Watch Max Lussier perform the solos to “Intricate Decay” and “Ergogenic” here:

For more Derelict, please visit

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