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THERE THERE – “Like Love” EP


How many times have you come across the initial track of an artist’s EP or album which reaches heights that following tracks do not quite aspire to?  It is track ordering which matters, as surprisingly mature Arizona melodious comforters THERE THERE demonstrate in their EP ‘Like Love’, doing exactly what it says on the tin. 

Introductory track ‘Prelude’ gradually awakens, beginning with smooth electro-icity followed by David Drew’s precocious percussion awakened with Alisha Ways’ and JD Clayton’s soft harmonies of “du du doo daa”. The track sustains you throughout, as the song progresses and new instrumental layers are added. It is the anticipation for potential vocal extension within this track which leaves you wanting more.  Tantalising.

As any decent EP should, the second track extends the initial teaser. This is all too crucial for smaller acts, such as the artist here in question, who must show their potential for progression in order for long-term survival. Eerily reminiscent of Radiohead’s ‘There There’, ‘Fireflies’ begins heavier on guitar yet subtler on choral clarity in comparison to ‘Prelude’. The guitar riffs, without dominating, allow listener to lose themselves in the softened yet careful harmonies.

Making their own mark in the sand of their state also home to the infamous Grand Canyon, the harmonious trio have evidently set out to be different from neighbours such as the likes of Jimmy Eat World. ‘Under Sand’ unearths their male vocal talent, unexpected considering the evidence of already stunning ability. Really, what more could there be? ‘Gravity’ alludes to the leisurely vocal tempo of ‘Sweet Disposition’ by soft rockers ‘The Temper Trap’. THERE THERE are certainly depicting the journey towards something beautiful, perhaps inner discovery –  dreampop at its pinnacle.

To finalise, ‘All Things Come To Pass’ stirs a murkier yet exciting lead. As the title simply exhibits, as well as the juxtaposing wilder tempo to previous tracks, the ensemble here prove their sheer potential for growth thus easily evoking questions surrounding the depths of their musical ability.  The trio are proud to proclaim their embodiment of various genres, including inspiration from trip hop, post rock and shoegaze. Not such a narrow niche as you would anticipate. Our own curiousity leaves us wondering if their darker undertones will be developed in future releases (oh, without a doubt there will be)…

For a first official release, it is unquestionably promising. Surprisingly accessible, surprisingly likeable for such a fresh group.  Indie for the twilight hour, chilled and calm.

‘Like Love’ is available for listening at

Free downloads can be obtained at



Editor of LLR since 2005

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