PEGASVS – ‘Brillar’ video by CANADA Music Reviews by Rob W - May 31, 20120 [jwplayer mediaid=”3075″] Barcelona’s PEGASVS have a new video out made by CANADA who has recently made videos for Scissor Sisters, Two Door Cinema Club and Battles, to name just a few! The boy/girl Kraut-Synth duo have released this latest video is for ‘Brillar’. The video came out last week but could easily be mistaken for a 1980’s synth classic. There are plenty of strobes providing a backdrop to the synth soundtrack and 80’s female vocal. As for the video storyline, well, there’s a golden knight riding his horse through the woods until the bad acid trip at the end where a gigantic woman emerges from a lake like she’s relaxing in the bath. It’s pretty good! ‘Brillar’ is a great piece of summer electronica, a real relaxing feel-good track. The latest release from PEGASVS is out now on iTunes and on CD and limited LP.