JIMI HENDRIX The Guitar Hero Directors cut 7th October 2013 Narrated by Slash Music News by Editor - August 4, 2013August 4, 20130 Universal Music is pleased to announce the release of Jimi Hendrix The Guitar Hero (Directors Cut) on double DVD, Blu Ray and Longform video for 7th October 2013. Fresh from the critical and commercial success of “BB King; The Life Of Riley” and “Legends Of the Canyon”, Director/Producer Jon Brewer
SNAKEWATER – A New Breed Music Reviews by Rob W - June 20, 20120 This album landed on my doormat recently along with a few other albums I was expecting, quite unannounced. On seeing the cover featuring a devil-woman, skulls and snake, for some reason I thought “Oh NO, not another Pop-Punk album for review”. I stuck it on and started reading the blurb
The Danglers Music Reviews by Editor - May 9, 20120 The Danglers have been – ahem – dangling around the music scene since 1997 and consist of three progressive rock enthusiasts from Milwaukee: Jason Loveall (Violin/Vocals), David Gelting (Upright Bass/Vocals) and John Sparrow (Drums). What makes The Danglers different is their penchant for combining classical instruments with heavy drum beats and