The Gazette- Division – Review Music Reviews by Editor - September 18, 2012September 18, 20120 In the space of 8 years, J-rock trailblazers the GazettE have given the western world a perfect insight of the music scene in alternative Japan. With a best of compilation already under their belt, and having just signed to UK based label Japan underground, it is certain that the act has something to prove. Division spurs a new age for the band and it’s fans, as a different take on their familiar sound of anthem based electronic rock, and turned it to the dark side. It’s prologue ‘[XI]’ is a minute and a half of electro hardcore with broken vocals for good measure. The track lulls you into a false sense of security, as it pauses, only to be replaced by the heavy, black and bass mounted ‘Gabriel on the gallows’. Here the band want to shake off the lighter side of themselves and bring their music into the new decade kicking and screaming. Many of the tracks have electro industrial over tones, including ‘DERANGEMENT’, where Japan itself proves that it is the only country that can get away with using the vocoder creatively and get away with it. Other tracks like ‘HEDERO’ and ‘ATTITUDE’ bring in western style guitar playing from the off and speed along with a anarchic personality. It’s not all head banging and fist punching how ever. Modern day rock ballads like ‘YOIN’ and ‘KAGEFUMI’ still show the bands’ softer side, and will always be present, no matter how far the band go. In all, the album is a sure step up from their last CD ‘TOXIC’, which had more anthems’ for fans to chant along to. ‘DIVISION’ yearns to be listened to, if not as a fan then as a curious lover of all thing industrial, fore they have changed the rules and also the formula for the genre and many others besides. Also with rumours of live events in the UK looming, you would be a fool to miss your chance to catch a glimpse of what Japans’ alternative have to offer. the GazettE have well and truly been put on the top of the stack of J-rock artists, with so many more directions for them to take in their quest for the perfect sound. We enjoy their journey none the less. For lovers of: Dir En Grey, Gackt, Marilyn Manson, Ministry. Post note: Some of the certain tracks mentioned in this review are written in English as best a translation from Japanese Symbols. This doesn’t effect the sound or opinion of the album. Editors Notes – capitalisation of titles and band name at the Band’s request – not typos! Dokka