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Ride Reform. Should We Be Excited?


Shoegazing. Commonly described as the genre that celebrates itself was, to all the non initiated, a powerfully influential and somewhat popular genre particularly amongst the Camden scene in the early 90’s. Imagine this as the blue print for what later came britpop. Signed to the infamous and legendary Creation records Ride’s debut album was one of the best albums to come out of the 90’s. If you haven’t heard it now is the perfect time to go out and buy it, don’t just stream it like a square be all 90’s and buy the vinyl version. Anyway, Ride split in 1996, co frontmen and songwriters Andy Bell and Mark Gardener went on to join Oasis and forge a solo career respectively.

Moving on to 2014 and following the split of Andy Bells band with Liam Gallagher, Beady Eye, Ride are back. You can form your own Ride and back on the road related pun here but should anybody be excited about this? My firm belief is yes, yes we should. Ride and particularly their debut album helped pave the way for so many of the great things to come out of the British music scene. Firstly along with the likes of Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine they helped create an entirely pioneering sonic and atmospheric style of music that still influences bands to this day. Secondly, thanks to the success of Ride Creation were allowed to invest in bands such as Oasis and Primal Scream to create masterpieces such as Definitely Maybe and Screamadelica.

Finally, and in fact the most important point, Ride have been criminally underrated. Despite the influence they have exhumed upon the indie music world they never quite became as big as they perhaps should have been and perhaps their reunion is not quite a chance to play to massive sell out outdoor gigs like the Stone Roses it will maybe introduce a new generation to them. A bonus would be a full resurgence with the Shoegaze scene. Fingers crossed.

Jamie D’Arcy

Editor of LLR since 2005

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